Shaheed Nandkumar Patel Vishwavidyalaya,Raigarh - Shaheed Nandkumar Patel Vishwavidyalaya,Raigarh

The Executive Council

  • The Governor of the Chhattisgarh shall be the Kuladhipati of University.
    • Five members of the state legislative assembly to be nominated by state legislative assembly.
    • The rector
    • Four deans of faculties to be nominated by the kuladhipati;
    • Two professors of the university teaching departments or schools of studies to be nominated by the kuladhipati by rotation according to seniority;
    • Four principals of affiliated colleges atleast two of whom shall be from colleges belonging to the state government, to be nominated by the kuladhipati by rotation according to seniority;
    • The secretary to government of chhattisgarh higher education department or his nominee not below the rank of deputy secretary;
    • The secretary to government of chhattisgarh, finance department, or his nominee not below the rank of deputy secretary;
    • Provided that-
  • No salaried employee of any university or any college in chhattisgarh shall be eligible for election under item (i) above;
  • No person shall be eligible for re-election for a second consecutive term under item (ii) above.
    • Members of the executive council other than ex-officio members shall hold office for a period of three years:
    • Seven members of the executive council shall form a quorum: provided that no quorum shall be necessary for adjourned meeting.

Powers and duties of executive council.

Subject to the provisions of this act, and the statutes, ordinances or the regulations made there under, the executive council shall have the following powers and perform the following duties, namely :-

  • To hold control and administer the property funds of the university;
  • To administer the funds placed at the disposal of the university for specific purposes;
  • To adopt the annual accounts together with the audit report;
  • To frame the annual financial estimates of the university and to place them before the court for its consideration;
    • To adopt the annual financial estimates after considering the suggestions of the court, if any;
    • To fix the limit for the total recurring expenditure and total non-recurring expenditure for the year based on the resources of the university which in the case of productive works may include the proceeds of loans;
  • Subject to clause (v), at any time during the financial year
    • To reduce the amount of the budget grant;
    • To sanction the transfer of any amount within a budget grant from one head to another or from a subordinate head under one minor head to a subordinate head under another minor head; or
    • To sanction the transfer of any amount not exceeding rupees five thousand within a minor head from one subordinate head to another or from one primary unit to another;
  • To borrow and lend funds on behalf of the university: 

    Provided that funds shall not be borrowed on the security of university property without the prior approval of the state government
    • To transfer any movable or immovable property on behalf of the university: provided that no immovable property of the university shall, except with the prior sanction of the state government, be transferred by way of mortgages, sale, exchange, gift or otherwise;
  • To borrow and lend funds on behalf of the university: provided that funds shall not be borrowed on the security of university property without the prior approval of the state government;
  • To transfer any movable or immovable property on behalf of the university: provided that no immovable property of the university shall, except with the prior sanction of the state government, be transferred by way of mortgages, sale, exchange, gift or otherwise;
  • To enter into, vary, carry out and cancel contracts on behalf of the university in the exercise or performance of the powers and duties assigned to it by this act, and the statutes;
  • To determine the form of, provide for the custody and regulate the use of the common seal of the university;
  • To lay before the commissioner, higher education annually a full statement of the financial requirements of all colleges and halls;
  • To admit colleges to the privileges of the university on the recommendation of the academic council and with the previous sanction of the commissioner, higher education and subject to the provisions of this act and statutes and to withdraw any of these privileges and to take over the management of the colleges in the manner and under conditions prescribed by the statutes and ordinances;
  • To declare teaching departments of the university, schools of studies or colleges as autonomous colleges:
  • Provided that the extent of the autonomy which each such teaching department of the university, school of studies or colleges may have and the matters in relation to which it may exercise such autonomy, shall be such as may be prescribed by the statute.
  • To make provision for building, premises, furniture, apparatus, books and other means needed for carrying on the work of the university; 
  • To accept on behalf of the university, trusts, bequests, donations and transfers of any movable or immovable property to the university;
  • To manage and regulate the finances, accounts and investments of the university;
  • To institute and manage:-
    • A printing, publication and translation bureau;
    • An information bureau; and
    • An employment bureau;
  • To make provision for
    • Extramural teaching and research;
    • University extension activities;
    • Correspondence courses;
  • Physical training
  • Student's union
  • Student's welfare
  • Sports and athletic activities
  • Social service schemes
  • National cadet corps
  • To scrutinize all proposals of the academic council with a view to their execution within the framework of the budget;
  • o institute such professorships,1[associate professorships], [xxx] 2[assistant. Professorships] other teaching posts as may be proposed by the academic planning and evaluation board : Provided that no teaching post shall be instituted without the prior approval of the commissioner, higher education;
  • To create administrative, ministerial and other posts with the prior sanction of the state government;
  • To abolish or suspend, after report from the academic planning and evaluation board thereon any professorship, associate professorships, [xxx]assistant. Professorships, or other teaching posts in the university; 
  • To establish, maintain and manage colleges, teaching departments, institutions of research or specialized studies, laboratories, libraries, museums and halls; 
  • To recognize halls and to provide housing accommodation for teachers of the university paid by the university;
  • To arrange for and direct the inspection of affiliated colleges, recognized institutions and halls and to issue instructions for maintaining their efficiency and for ensuring proper conditions of employment for members of their staff, and payment of adequate salaries, and, in case of disregard of such instructions, to modify on the recommendations of the academic council the conditions of affiliation or recognition or taking of such other steps as it deems necessary and proper in that behalf;
  • To prepare a college code laying down therein the terms and conditions of affiliation of colleges other than government colleges;
  • To call for reports, returns and other information from affiliated colleges, recognized institutions or halls;
  • To supervise and control the admission, residence, conduct and discipline of the students of the university and to make arrangements for promoting their health and general welfare;
  • To recommend to the kuladhipati the conferment of honorary degrees and academic distinctions in the manner prescribed by statutes;
  • To confer or withdraw degrees, diplomas, certificates and other academic distinctions in the manner prescribed by the statutes;
  • To institute fellowships, scholarships, studentships, exhibitions, medals and prizes;
  • Save as otherwise provided by this act, or the statutes, to appoint the officers other than the kulapati, teachers and other employees of the university, to define their duties and the conditions of their service and to provide for the filling of temporary vacancies in their posts;
  • To regulate and enforce discipline among members of the teaching, administrative and ministerial staff of the university in accordance with the statutes and ordinances;
  • To recognize a member of the staff of an affiliated college or recognized institution as a teacher of the university and withdraw such recognition;
  • To fix remuneration of examiners and to arrange for conduct of and for publishing the results of the university examinations and other tests;
  • To cancel examinations in the event of malpractices partially or wholly and to take action against any person or group of persons or institutions found guilty of such malpractices, including rustication of students;
  • To take disciplinary action against students enrolled in the university, including candidates for any examinations;
  • To take disciplinary action against staff, persons appointed as invigilators, examiners, etc.;
  • To fix, demand and receive such fees and other charges as may be prescribed by the ordinances;
  • To make, amend and cancel ordinance;
  • To accept, reject or return to the academic council for consideration but not to amend, regulations formed by the academic council;
  • To entertain adjudicate upon and, if deemed fit to redress grievances of the employees and the students;
  • To exercise such other powers and perform such other duties as may be conferred or imposed on it by or under this act;
  • To exercise all powers of the university not otherwise provided for in this act or the statutes and all other powers which are requisite to give affect to the provisions of this act or the statutes;
  • To delegate by regulations any of its powers to the kulapati, the registrar or such other officer of the university or a committee appointed by it as it may deem fit.

Notices & Letters

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24 Nov 2022 प्रथम कार्य-परिषद का गठन